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Committee Hearings
Monday, March 24, 2025
BRYAN, Chair
2:30 p.m. - State Capitol, Room 437
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2:30 p.m.
State Capitol, Room 437
ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE RULESBILLS HEARD IN SIGN-IN ORDERMeasure:Author:Summary:A.B.No. 30Alvarez.State Air Resources Board: gasoline specifications: ethanol blends. (Urgency)A.B.No. 43Schultz.Wild and scenic rivers.A.B.No. 66Tangipa.California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: egress route projects: fire safety.A.B.No. 70Aguiar-Curry.Solid waste: pyrolysis.A.B.No. 80Aguiar-Curry.Carpet recycling: product stewardship for carpet: fines.A.B.No. 261Quirk-Silva.Fire safety: fire hazard severity zones: State Fire Marshal.A.B.No. 295Macedo.California Environmental Quality Act: environmental leadership development projects: water storage, water conveyance, and groundwater recharge projects: streamlined review.A.B.No. 300Lackey.Fire hazard severity zones: State Fire Marshal.A.B.No. 307Petrie-Norris.Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024: Department of Forestry and Fire Protection: fire camera mapping system.A.B.No. 314Arambula.California Environmental Quality Act: major transit stop.A.B.No. 337Bennett.Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: grant program: edible food.A.B.No. 399Boerner.Coastal resources: coastal development permits: blue carbon demonstration projects.A.B.No. 404Sanchez.California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: prescribed fire, reforestation, habitat restoration, thinning, or fuel reduction projects.A.B.No. 436Ransom.Composting facilities: zoning.A.B.No. 439Rogers.California Coastal Act of 1976: local planning and reporting.A.B.No. 471Hart.County air pollution control districts: board members: compensation.A.B.No. 491Connolly.California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: climate goals: natural and working lands.A.B.No. 580Wallis.Surface mining: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.